Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)Memory Issues - How to Limit

Posted on January 30, 2023 in OS • Tagged with WSL, Windows11, Memory, vmmemWSL, WSL2

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) Memory Usage - Limiting

According to Windows docs ,

The version of WSL that you are running will impact the configuration settings. WSL 2 runs as a lightweight virtual machine (VM), 
so uses virtualization settings that allow you to control the amount of memory or processors used …

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Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) Reset password

Posted on October 06, 2022 in OS • Tagged with WSL, Windows11, Password, WSL2

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) Reset Password

  1. Open cmd.exe
  2. wsl -u root
  3. passwd root
  4. Enter New password
  5. Renter New password
  6. exit
  7. wsl
  8. Test using sudo echo "test" , you should see "test" message