Splunk Query Reference guide

Posted on June 21, 2021 in Splunk

Simple Search with various AND index=index_name sourcetype=source_type host=host_nam source=source

Count of search criteria "LifecycleException" per day index=index_name sourcetype=exception_source_typs host=host_name LifecycleException | bucket _time span=day |stats count by _time

Count of search criteria "LifecycleException" by app index=index_name sourcetype=exception_source_typs host=host_name LifecycleException | stats count by originApplication

Dedup : Remove duplicates by Time index=index_name sourcetype=exception_source_typs host=host_name "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" | sort - _time desc |table host,_time,source | bin _time span=300sec | dedup _time

Display Detailed Information on All Fields Available Within a Search

your_search_criteria | fieldsummary

Time Stamp

| eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d")`

Convert _time to a date in the needed forma

search | convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" ctime(_time) AS date | stats count by date

OutOfMemory Search index=INDEX_NAME host=HOST_NAME "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" | sort - _time desc |table host,_time | bin _time span=300sec | dedup _time

Extract MultiValue field from a File search inv_sync_file=FILE_NAME.XML | eval Date=strftime(_time, "%+") , File = inv_sync_file| rex max_match=0 field=_raw "VendorPartNumber\": \"(?\w*)\"" | mvexpand VendorNum | table VendorNum


search your_search_with Valid as a field|| eval var=if(Valid > 10, "false", "true")

Add the column and show as report Ex: |table Date , _time, File, Valid, Invalid|addcoltotals | sort - _time desc

Adds all the columns in a search results and displays another column

addtotals fieldname=sum Ex: |table Date , _time, File, Valid, Invalid|addtotals fieldname=sum


How to add labels to Dashboard


Splunk regex by default searches single line , to make regex for multiline (?m) and to match all the results matching regex your_search_criteria | rex max_match=0 field=_raw "(?m)\n(?.*)" | table message,_raw

Search for a Word using regular expression and retrieving fields on your_search_criteria | eval responseXML=replace(_raw,"^([\S\s\r\n]*)WORD_TOBE_SEARCHED","")| spath input=responseXML path=XXXX{}.YYY output=filed_output | table filed_output

Charts OverLay

your_search_criteria ConcurrentModificationException| timechart count as Exceptions_Count span=1h useother=f |appendcols [search another_search_criteria | timechart count as sub_count span=1h]

SPAPTH with XML namespace

your_search_criteria |eval xmessagePayload = messagePayload | spath input=xmessagePayload output=xorderID path=ord:AddOrderV2.ord:order.ff:AltOrderID |stats count(xorderID)

Get list of dest_ip which are not common between Yesterday and Today

your_search_criteria| set diff [search sourcetype=nessus source=Host_Enumeration earliest=-3d@d latest=-2d@d | stats count by dest_ip |table dest_ip] [search sourcetype=nessus source=Host_Enumeration earliest=-1d@d latest=now | stats count by dest_ip |table dest_ip]